How Your Ceiling Fan Direction should be set in  Summer

How the Ceiling Fan Direction in Summer Can Help Air-Conditioning Efficiency

Estes Services 

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Did you know that the right ceiling fan direction in summer can help keep you cool, increase air-conditioning efficiency, and lower your utility costs?

Yes, a simple trick with your ceiling fan can help improve your air-conditioning system's efficiency and lower your utility costs in the summer, in combination with proper air-conditioning service and maintenance.

Let's explore how in our latest electrical article by looking at how a ceiling fan works; what ceiling fan direction you need in the summer; and why you should always hire a licensed electrician for any ceiling fan service or installation work.

How a Ceiling Fan Works

Ceiling fans are fairly straightforward: they move air.

But how that affects your home is what is interesting in this context. By moving hot air off of people and increasing evaporative cooling caused by increased airflow, using a ceiling fan can keep you and your family cooler even with the thermostat bumped up a few degrees in the summer.

Essentially, a ceiling fan can cool you and your family, and your air-conditioning unit will not have to work quite as hard. This can lead to increased system efficiency and money saved on your electricity bill—especially during peak usage times like the hottest days of summer.

In fact, each degree that is set above 72 degrees can save you up to 3% on your utility bill. These savings can make a big difference in your wallet in the summer.

However, you must ensure that the ceiling fan direction is right for the summer months, which leads us to our next point:

Ensure Right Ceiling Fan Direction in Summer

You can switch the
direction of spin for your ceiling fan. In fact, the direction is very important because it will determine what direction the fan is moving air.

During the warm months of the year, you should set the direction counter-clockwise to keep cool. This position will circulate the cool air down to the floor.

With this simple trick, you can adjust your thermostat up to four degrees in the summer.

You may also want to consider a smart fan in combination with a smart thermostat, which can give you even more control over your indoor comfort. A licensed electrician can help you select the right solution for your home, which brings us to our final point:

Hire a Licensed Electrician

For any ceiling fan installation, you should hire an Atlanta licensed electrician to ensure industry best practices and building code requirements are followed properly.

A do-it-yourself (DIY) attempt is risky and poses a safety and health hazard. For instance, if a ceiling fan is not properly installed, you could cause electrical or structural issues in your home, along with a possible injury by not using a ladder properly.

Thus, it's always best to leave it to the professionals.

Choose Estes Services for Your Ceiling Fan Installation

In fact, you should trust the professionals of Estes Services to do the job right. Family-owned and operated, we have been providing comfort and efficiency with top-quality service since 1949.

Our team of Atlanta electrical contractors can help you select the right ceiling fan as well as ensure its safe and proper installation of it.

With the Atlanta summer days ahead, consider installing ceiling fans in your home. A ceiling fan can help keep you cool and provide relief in the Atlanta heat.

Contact Estes Services today to schedule a ceiling fan installation. It's that easy, it's Estes!