Plumbing Supply Question – Copper or Plastic Water Pipes?

Plumbing Supply Question – Copper or Plastic Water Pipes?

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Which is Better May Depend on Who’s Plumbing

There are several myths surrounding plastic water pipes. Let’s examine those myths to better understand what is best for your plumbing supply. Plastic plumbing supply lines are now easily accepted as a viable alternative to copper pipes.

However, there is still a hot debate about the subject. Estes Services in Atlanta has skilled and licensed plumbers who can advise which is best for your home plumbing supply system.

Myth #1: Plastic Pipes are More Expensive

The initial cost appears more expensive, but the installation costs save you money in the end.  Combining the lightweight nature of the plastic pipes with the simple and quick joint methods reduce the installation labor. Therefore, they require less time and costs for the installation and save you money compared to copper installation.

Myth #2: Plastics are High Maintenance

Plastic plumbing supply pipes are completely corrosion resistant, which means they require less maintenance than other metal piping. The smooth bore of plastic pipes also prevents limescale from building up within the plumbing supply lines.

This means less friction loss and guaranteeing a consistent flow rate throughout the life of the system.  

Myth #3: Plastic Pipes Tend to Snake Due to Thermal Movement

Plastic pipes do expand and contract more compared to other pipes. However, plumbers address thermal expansion during the design stage of installing a new plumbing supply. Changing the direction of the plastic pipe movement help alleviate thermal expansion.

Other ways to counteract thermal movement include installing expansion loops, flexible hoses, expansion compensators and bellows.  

Myth #4: Plastics Pipes Encourage Bacteria Growth

While copper pipes offer natural anti-microbial properties, it still experiences limescale buildup and corrosion. This allows biofilm to colonize easily on the rough surface of the piping.

Once biofilm has formed bacteria settles and develops on the biofilm. Plastic plumbing supply lines are smoother, which restricts biofilm from accumulating in the first place.

Myth #5: Plastic Plumbing Supply Lines aren’t Designed to Last

The lifespan of plastic supply lines is over 50 years. The smooth bore of plastic piping resists limescale buildup, which keeps the water flow unrestricted. This means the flow rate stays consistent throughout its working life.

You will experience healthy flow throughout your plumbing supply system and not experience corrosion or limescale issues.

Myth #6: Plastic Pipes are Not Sustainable

Throughout every stage of its lifespan, plastic piping boasts strong sustainability. It requires less energy to manufacture, transport and install compared to other metal alternatives. Plastic plumbing supply lines reduce the level of energy consumption.

However, not all plastic pipework is suitable for every situation. Its sustainability is dependent on a qualified plumber assessing the area and knowing what your home needs.

Estes’ Plumbers Bring Experience and Expertise

Besides debunking myths about plastic plumbing supply lines, consult our trusted plumbing experts at Estes Services. They are highly skilled, trained to inspect your plumbing supply and to suggest the best option for your home. Contact Estes Services today and schedule service with our professionals.