Preparing for the Big Game, Don’t Leave Your Guests In the Cold

Preparing for the Big Game, Don’t Leave Your Guests In the Cold

a dog with its tongue out


If you have a furnace on the fritz during colder temperatures, it may be a sign that your furnace is about to break down. Learn the signs to watch for before it’s too late and you and your guests are left in the cold! After a furnace breakdown, it might be time to invest in a new furnace. Call Estes Services to have your furnace inspected before it goes out!  

Signs of Possible HVAC Breakdown:

  • Age: The age of your system is a significant indicator of whether your furnace can stand the cold this winter. Furnaces are typically good for up to 10 to 15 years after installation. As they age, especially the last two years of their life, they begin to break down more often. If your HVAC system has been kept young due to preventative maintenance, you might get a few more years than expected.
  • Noises: Weird noises may indicate an HVAC breakdown is close. If you hear sounds, such as rattling, squealing, banging, hissing, or popping, you should call Estes Services immediately. A healthy furnace shouldn’t make unexpected noises, so listen closely if this sign becomes noticeable.
  • Operation: If your furnace struggles to run long enough to heat the home and the cause isn’t a faulty thermostat, you could be looking at a future furnace breakdown. Our technicians can inspect your unit and determine if it is something simple or more serious that needs to be handled immediately.
  • Flame: The color of your pilot light is a definite visible sign trouble might be around the corner. Your flame should be bright blue when the furnace is functioning properly. If the light flickers or is yellow, your furnace isn’t burning the fuel completely. It also means carbon monoxide could be leaking into your home’s air supply. Contact Estes Services immediately if your flame isn’t bright blue before harmful CO2 gases put your family at risk!
  • Heating Bill: If you have noticed your heating bill is getting higher and higher every year, it might mean your system is having to work harder to heat your home. A poorly functioning furnace can’t heat a home evenly from room to room. Homes that are drafty or extremely chilly in certain rooms are a product of an HVAC breakdown.  

Protect your furnace this winter with an inspection from a professional. Prevent complete furnace breakdown before it’s too late. Pay close attention to these signs and call our experts at Estes Services.

Prevent a complete furnace breakdown before it’s too late! Call Estes Services to schedule service on your furnace. Our technicians will inspect your furnace, diagnosis any potential problem, and repair your furnace.